You have a choice when selecting a title company to handle the closing of your home, farm or vacant land. We provide title and closing services for Adams, Brown, Highland, Pike and Scioto Counties in Ohio. Our knowledgeable, friendly title specialists provide a professional closing experience and deliver an unparalleled level of service. Our company is owned by an attorney with 20+ years of experience in real estate transactions. We offer the same high-quality service as title company’s in metropolitan areas. You can work with title specialists and attorneys that know the area and are excited to help you. Contact us for a free rate quote and an estimate of closing costs.
Dana N. Whalen
Dana N. Whalen, or Nikki as most would know her, is the President of Market Street Title, LLC. She is a graduate of Shawnee State University where she earned her B.S. in Business Administration, and A.D. in Legal Assisting. She is also a graduate of Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law. She has been a licensed attorney since 2000 and licensed title agent since 2001. Nikki has been in the legal field since 1993 and practices mostly in real estate, but also in estate planning, probate and business law. She founded Whalen Law Office, LLC in 2003 and Market Street Title, LLC in 2007. She is the wife of Jason who is a co-owner of Market Street Title and they have two sons, Evan and Nathan. Nikki oversees all the real estate transactions; performs most title examinations or reviews abstractor’s notes and conducts most closings.
Sammie Purtee
Sammie Purtee has been employed with Whalen Law Office and Market Street Title since 2014. She is a graduate of Liberty University where she earned her degree in Psychology. She recently became a licensed title insurance agent. She is a life-long resident of West Union. She lives with her loving Schnauzer Howie. Sammie is an invaluable asset to both companies. She performs many administrative tasks and paralegal duties for the law office. For the title agency, she orders the title work and surveys, requests lien payoffs, schedules the closing, works closely with buyers, sellers, lenders and realtors, prepares the documents and sometimes is sitting down with the customers at the closing table.